03-03, sk
My inner world: sound healing & mindful journaling
Dvi praktikos už VIENOS kainą! Tai bus refleksijos, ramybės ir poilsio užsiėmimas, kuris susidės iš sąmoningo rašymo ir garso meditacijos sesijų. Šiam renginiui galioja bet kuris BLUE abonementas. This event will be in ENGLISH.
Time and location
2024-03-03 18:00 – 19:30
Vilnius, T. Ševčenkos g. 16a, 03111 Vilnius, Lietuva
About the event
Yra daug būdų susitikti su savo vidiniu pasauliu. Šįkart apjungėme dvi, viena kitą papildančias praktikas ir norime pakviesti į refleksijos, ramybės ir poilsio užsiėmimą. Praktika susidės iš sąmoningo rašymo ir garso meditacijos sesijų. Renginys vyks anglų kalba.
By combining mindful journaling practice and sound bath journey, we want to invite you to experience yourself at this moment. "My inner world" is a practice for everyone who would like to stop for a moment and experience their presence in a soft & loving way.
We’re going to start by comfortably lying down and listening to the healing sounds of crystal bowls. Our sound therapist Laura Marija will guide you through a relaxing sound meditation, which will help you rest deeply and connect with your inner self at the present moment.
Then, we will dive into mindful journaling exercises - everyone will be invited to draw different cards with questions and answer them individually. These questions will be a nice reflection that will help you understand current emotions and feelings. Our teacher, holistic coach Nicole will guide you through the process really softly.
We will finish the session with a cup of tea and gratitude.
Join us for a magic Sunday evening and meet your own inner world!
- We invite you to wear comfortable clothes and arrive 10 minutes before the event
- Bring your own notebook (pens will be provided)
- Price: 25 EUR. All Blue plans are valid for this session.
- Register here: https://www.esudabar.lt/registracija
- The practice has a very limited capacity of 12 people only. Book your mat now!
The session is going to be led by Nicole and Laura Marija.
Nicole Gueorguieva is a certified holistic wellbeing coach and mindfulness practitioner. Get to know her on Instagram - @wellbeingwithNicole
Laura Marija is a certified sound therapist and visual artist. Get to know her on Instagram - @saintpetal